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                                                                                      (Detailed Rules outlined below)

5 bean bags per turn


Kick-off to start & after score

 (any miss gives opponent a 20 yard bonus)


Get 60+ yards, go for a FG


Get 80+ yards, go for a TD


Punt/ Fake Punt/Onside Kick

(any miss gives opponent a 20 yard bonus)


Avoid Flags & Turnover


Pick 6 try after turnover


Gamble on a Hail Mary TD!

(last bean bag only)




Players take turns tossing a set of bean bags to try to gain yardage to get into scoring position.

Five bean bags per turn; score by hitting the Scoring Target when active.

The Scoring Target is the top center target between the yellow field goal posts.

Get 60 yards to get into Field Goal Range and try for a field goal.

Get 80 yards to get in the Red Zone to try to score a touchdown.

Avoid penalty flags and turnovers; turn an interception into a Pick 6!

Kick and punt accurately to win the field position battle.

Try a trick play, like an Onside Kick or a Fake Punt!

If you are desperate, try a Hail Mary!

Two turns per quarter; four quarters per game.

Score the most points and win!



To begin the game, players determine who will start by flipping a coin or other agreed method.

The starting player then has one opportunity to successfully Kick Off by tossing a bean bag through the Scoring Target, or he may attempt and Onside Kick.

If a player's attempt to Kick Off is successful, play switches to the Opponent who begins his next drive.

If a player's attempt to Kick Off is unsuccessful, play switches to the Opponent who begins his next drive with a +20 yard bonus.

A player must also Kick Off after scoring a touchdown or field goal.



The Onside Kick Target is only active on a Kick Off.

A player who must Kick Off may attempt an Onside Kick by tossing a bean bag through the Onside Kick Target instead. As with a Kick Off, the player has only one opportunity to do so.

If a player's attempt at an Onside Kick is successful, the player retains possession and begins a new drive.

If a player's attempt at an Onside Kick is unsuccessful, play switches to the Opponent who begins his next drive with a +20 yard bonus.



Players attempt to score Yardage Targets to accumulate yardage. As Yardage Targets are scored, the yardage accumulated is totaled for the player, with each turn played as a separate drive downfield.



If a player accumulates 80 or more yards in one turn with at least one bean bag remaining, he is considered to be in the “Red Zone” and may try to score a Touchdown by tossing a bean bag through the Scoring Target.

A player has as many chances to score a Touchdown as he has beans bag remaining, but he can only score one Touchdown per drive.

A player's turn ends if a Touchdown is scored, even where the player has bean bags remaining.

After a Touchdown is scored, the player may elect to try a 2-Point Conversion.

After a Touchdown is scored (including any 2-Point conversion), the scoring player must Kick Off to continue play.

If the player fails to score a Touchdown, play switches to the Opponent who begins his next drive (no penalty).



If a player scores any Touchdown, he may accept the seven points awarded, or he may elect to try a 2-Point Conversion.

A player must state his election prior to making any attempt to score a 2-Point Conversion.

If a player elects to try a 2- Point Conversion, he has one opportunity to toss a bean bag through the Scoring Target.

If the player's attempt at a 2- Point Conversion is successful, the player is awarded eight points.

If the player's attempt at a 2- Point Conversion is unsuccessful, the player is only awarded six points.

NOTE: If, after a Touchdown, a player tosses a bean bag through the Scoring Target without first stating his election to attempt a 2- Point Conversion, the play is considered to be a successful Kick Off and not a 2- Point Conversion. Any failed toss after a Touchdown, without any stated election, is considered an unsuccessful Kick Off.

SCORING NOTE: If you attempt a 2- Point Conversion and you score a Turnover Target, your Opponent gets one chance to score a Pick 6 for TWO points!



If a player accumulates more than 60 yards, but less than 80 yards, he is in “Field Goal Range” and may attempt a Field Goal by tossing a bean bag through the Scoring Target.

A player has only one opportunity to try for a Field Goal, regardless of the number of bean bags remaining.

If a player scores a Field Goal, he is awarded three points.

If a player's attempt to score a Field Goal is successful, the scoring player must Kick Off to continue play.

If a player's attempt to score a Field Goal is unsuccessful, play switches to the Opponent who begins his next drive (no penalty).



If a player cannot accumulate at least 60 or more yards, he is in a punting situation; he may attempt to Punt or try a Fake Punt.

A player has one opportunity to score a Punt by tossing a bean bag through the Scoring Target.

If a player's attempt to Punt is successful, play switches to the Opponent.

If a player's attempt to Punt is unsuccessful, play switches to the Opponent who begins his next drive with a +20 yard bonus.



The Fake Punt Target is only active when a player is in a punting situation, with only one bean bag remaining.

A player who is in a punting situation may elect to try a Fake Punt. The player has one opportunity to toss a bean bag through the Fake Punt Target.

If a player's attempt at a Fake Punt is successful, the player retains possession begins a new drive with all accumulated yardage from the previous drive.

If a player's attempt at a Fake Punt is unsuccessful, play switches to the Opponent who begins his next drive with a +20 yard bonus.



Turnover Targets are always active.

If a player scores a Turnover Target, the player's turn is over and the Opponent has one opportunity to score a Pick 6.

If a player scores a Turnover and, while attempting to score a Pick 6 the Opponent scores a Turnover Target, possession changes again and the player now gets a chance to score a Pick 6.

SCORING NOTE: If you attempt a 2-point conversion and you score a Turnover Target, your Opponent gets one chance to score a Pick 6 for TWO points!


The End Zone Targets (Hail Mary TD/Onside Kick; Scoring Target; Turnover TD/Fake Punt), when not active, are +5 yards.



A player may score a Flag Target during normal play. If so, the stated yardage is deducted from the yardage total accumulated on that drive.

A Flag Target scored on a Pick 6 or 2-Point Conversion attempt is a dead ball.

Any flag on the last bean bag tossed is a dead ball play.



The Pick 6 Target is only active after a turnover has been scored.

If an Opponent scores a Turnover Target, a player has one opportunity to score a Pick 6 by tossing a bean bag through the Pick 6 Target.

If a player's attempt to score a Pick 6 is successful, that player may then elect to try a 2-Point Conversion or to Kick Off.

If a player's attempt to score a Pick 6 is unsuccessful, that player then retains possession and begins a new drive.

SCORING NOTE: On a Turnover scored when a player is attempting a 2-Point Conversion, any Pick 6, if scored, is worth TWO points.



At any time with the last bean bag, a player may elect to try a Hail Mary TD.

Yardage accumulated is irrelevant to the attempt.

A player scores a Hail Mary TD by tossing their last bean bag through the Hail Mary TD Target.

If a player's attempt to score a Hail Mary TD is successful, that player may then elect to try a 2-Point Conversion or to Kick Off.

If a player's attempt to score a Hail Mary TD is unsuccessful, play switches to the Opponent who begins his next drive with a +20 yard bonus.



Game can be played with a set number of drives per player per quarter (four quarters in a game; two possessions for each player in each quarter), or up to a set point total (first to 31 points).



Since you only have one opportunity to score a Field Goal, you should continue to try to accumulate yardage if you have more than one ball left.

Remember the various options at each stage of your turn. Even with one bean bag left in a punting situation, you still have three options (Punt, Fake Punt or Hail Mary TD) and can still score!

Keep in mind that the riskier plays – Onside Kick, Fake Punt and Hail Mary TD – give a reward to your Opponent if you miss. By giving your Opponent a +20 yard head start, it will make it much easier for your Opponent to get into scoring position.

Football Rules: Welcome
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